Posts Tagged ‘premier’

‘Spindrift’ Online Short Film Premier

May 12, 2012

‘Spindrift’ is the short story of acclaimed Chef Ben Shewry, who during a transitional time in his life, had the fortune of meeting Victorian Mussel farmer, the Sea Bounty‘s Lance Wiffin, through Ben’s late friend Jason Jurie.

The encounter formed a unique bond between Chef and Fisherman, the tale emphasizing the importance of sustainable food practice, compassion and friendship.

‘Spindrift’ is the second food based film fromĀ Ben Shewry and Filmmaker Johnny Abegg, following on from the success of their first short film together called ‘Kobe and the Sea’, which won the Chef Directory‘s “Best Internet Food Film” for 2011 –

The video was shot on a Nikon D7000, with the 50mm 1.4 and 18-200mm lens. The underwater was shot on a GoPro. Photos by Colin Page.